- Indiana Natives
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- Crownbeard - Yellow (Verbesina helianthoides)
Crownbeard - Yellow (Verbesina helianthoides)
Yellow Crownbeard enjoys full sun to light shade and can form large colonies through its rhizomes. This plant is native as far up as Ohio and Iowa and stretches down to Southern Texas and Mississippi. It is mostly found in rocky or dry open woods, along railroads, and open prairies.
This plant has tall, winged hairy stems that grow 3-4 feet tall. Bright yellow, daisy-like flowers, around 1.5 inches in diameter, form in clusters atop the long stems. The flowers consist of 8-15 petals that sprawl out from a slightly darker yellow center disk. The leaves are sessile, toothed, and ovate-lanceolate shaped. The leaves tend to be 2-6 inches in length and appear to have a fuzzy texture.
Sun Exposure - Full, Partial
Soil Moisture - Medium
Height - 4 feet
Bloom Time - July, August
Bloom Color - Yellow
Photo courtesy of Prairie Moon Nursery.